Bay of Fundy Crossing

The Echo design earned one of its highest marks in open water in racing when two National Champion rowers, Peter Schwab of the USA and Peter Oxley of Canada successfully raced each other in a pair of Echoes across the Bay of Fundy over a twelve hour endurance race. The race started in Digby, Nova Scotia, with a final race destination of St. John, New Brunswick, a 50 mile crossing as the crow flies. Spanning two complete tidal changes and nearly 100 feet of rise and fall with the tide, the tide's current took them twelve miles sideways with the incoming tide, and then 12 miles return with the outgoing tide. Keeping a steady eye on their compass heading for St. Johns, Nova Scotia, the two arrived at their destination after traveling nearly 75 miles, 50 miles by their own efforts and 25 miles by the tide's efforts. Their accomplishment in our Echo is a tremendous testament to the capability of our fine all water rowing design.